Pay Carriers faster

lower operating costs Processing Invoices

 reduce R&D effort 

go to market fast!!!

The Load Manager goes beyond just uploading, organizing and managing documents.’s Load Document Manager

  1. Allows users to transmit documents to any 3rd party.
  2. Automatically creates invoices during the transmission process
  3. Allows carriers to get paid faster with our network of partnered brokers, factoring companies and shippers.
  4.  Auto generates audit analytics so brokers, factorer and shippers can  make faster payment decisions.
  5. Connects to Quickbooks, Netsuite, Zoho and proprietary payments software to perform automatic Account Payment Setup.
  6. Provides payment status to carriers

Our SDK will help you get setup quick.   We’ve provided a prebuilt Xode project so you can evaluate and use as a reference (prebuilt_project).

See Demo of Load Manager

The following instructions will help you quickly integrate the Load Manager into your app within minutes.

1. Import the DukeSDK.xcframework into your project

Fig 1 – Import the DukeSDK.xcframework

2. Confirm the SDK files have been added to your project, as follows:

Fig 2 – Import Results

3. Navigate to your project build settings by selecting your project’s Project File in the Project Navigator

  1. Select the main build target for your app

4. Select the Build Phases tab. 

5. Ensure that the  DukeSDK.xcframework is located in the Link Binary With Libraries section.

Fig 3 – Build Settings

6-8. Configure the ThunderheadBundle.bundle location in the Copy Bundle Resources section.

Fig 4 – Copy Bundle Resource

Fig 5 – Select Bundle

9. Enable modules by going to the Build Settings tab and setting the flag for Enable Modules (C and Objective-C) to Yes.

Fig 6 – Enable Module

Fig 7 – Dependencies

11. Add Below Key in you Info.plist


Fig 8 – Info.plist

Note: All the above keys are vital for the SDK to function as expected. Missing out on any keys might result in the SDK behaving differently.

12. Open AppDelegate – Add these statements in the AppDelegate file to import this library.

Fig 9 – AppDelegate

13. Open AppDelegate and find this method                                                    
application(_ application: UIApplication,didFinishLaunchingWithOptions) 

14. In this method add following code

Fig 10 –  Customer Configuration

Note – Replace <CLIENT_ID> and <CLIENT_SECRET> with the value received from  These are unique credentials for your pool of clients. Obtain your unique client credentials by completing this form.

15. Navigate to your ViewContoller from where you want to access the DukeSDK features. 

  • Invoke DukeSDK on an event. For example – a button click.

import DukeSDK framework on your view controller by adding the statement  

import DukeSDK at the top of your viewController

Fig 11 – Add button

16. Create one button and action in your application. For more details on how to create a button –

Fig 12 – Add Button Continued

17. Insert the following code on button action

Fig 13 – Action

Note – If you’re working on a simulator, make sure to enable location for the simulator by selecting Apple as the location provider. You can do this by updating the simulator settings : Features → Location → Apple.